Our new package: A mailing address for individuals.
Postadres.nl now offers digital mail service for individuals.
From now on private individuals can also turn to Postadres.nl to take care of their private mail. With our years of experience in mail services for entrepreneurs, we have now also put together an attractive service package for private individuals. An ideal solution in, for example, the following situations.
- You are an expat, but don't have a permanent address yet.
- You are in a divorce process and you cannot or will not receive mail at home.
- You have a temporary home while waiting for the completion of your new home for sale.
- You will be traveling for a long time and still would like to be able to read your received mail every day.
With the Mailing Address Private, your mail is digitally forwarded to you to the email address you provide.
For more than thirty years Postadres.nl has provided a reliable mail service for numerous business owners. And we are therefore very pleased that we can now make this mail service available to individuals as well.
Check out our Mailing Address Private Amsterdam or Mailing Address Private Eindhoven for more information